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Chakra Colors – Heart Spiral Meditation

Chakra Colors – Heart Spiral Meditation

Many teachers begin their basic Chakra meditation classes starting with the root Chakra and working upwards to the seventh.  While there is necessarily nothing wrong with this, for many people their inner voices whisper to them that “you’re supposed to start with the heart… this is the first Chakra… central to all other Chakras”!  

In this article you will learn about Chakra colors and just one of many meditation techniques rated Adept; since the source of this information is well versed with out of body experiences and astral travel, ending up with his own meditation technique “the heart-spiral”, which seems to harmonize well and pretty much everyone else that was told/taught this technique reported excellent feedback.

The reason many focus on the 7 glands/Chakra system is because these are the main vortex/energy points where the soul interfaces with the biological spacesuit via the gland system which produces hormones (harmony).  Nevertheless, some believe from experience that there are actually 24 prime Chakras.  12 are in this physical manifestation and 12 are in the non-physical.

We pulse in and out of this existence of focus at approx 24 times per second but are only conscious of the time we are in the physical (possibly why video movie frame rates were based on a minimum of 24 Hz i.e. frames per second).  From 12 of these prime Chakras, 7 are mirrored and aligned with the body glands.  These are the ones used for the heart-spiral.

The other 5 Chakras are over-laid as follows: one above your head, at approx. 60 centimeters above the crown and two hovering in and above your wrists approximately 15 cm, and two in the souls/soles of your feet (i.e. one in each foot).

Another issue of contention and confusion is which gland is regarded in the position of the 7th crown Chakra.  Is it the Pineal or the Pituitary?  Reports from astral travels reveal that the Pineal is the crown, the communication device between the all-that-is, receiving and transmitting all frequencies.  The Pituitary is the surveyor and the two work closely together setting up a resonance chamber in the brain between the two.

Everything Begins With the Heart…

The soul’s primary node is this area approx. 2 inches left of the “liver” up underneath the rib-cage virtually to the bottom right of the heart.  Some know this also as the “assemblage” point and there are some that actually claim to move the assemblage point from below the liver into the above area for re-aligning purposes.

All energy coming into and out of the body is through the heart Chakra which then loops around in a spiral fashion feeding into and out of the other Chakras.

The sequence is as follows…

from 1 to 7 and the correlating Chakra Colors:


4th Chakra – Heart (green) enters here first then

3rd Chakra – Solar Plexus (yellow) then

5th Chakra – Throat (blue) then

2nd Chakra – Sacral (orange) then

6th Chakra – Brow/3rd Eye (indigo) then

1st Chakra – Base/Root (red) then

7th Chakra – Crown (violet)

… then cycles thru again to the heart Chakra.


The above is a simple sequence form 1 to 7 of the Chakras opening up.

If you draw the flow of it, it is like a spiral.


1. Heart

Thymus Gland – Green

First for unconditional love, allowance, and transformation.

Transmutation of ALL energy.

Receiving and Giving

chakra colors

2. Solar Plexus

Spleen / Pancreas – Yellow

Where the energy and frequencies coming in from the heart are experienced as emotions and feelings.

Where integrity and power of SELF are based.


3. Throat

Thyroid Gland – Blue

Where you voice/verbalize what you feel.

Where your feelings and emotions are expressed.


4. Sacral

Gonad – Orange

Where the creativity occurs for the expressions that you feel.

Giving and Receiving (give/take)


5. Eye / Brow / Ear / Nose

Pituitary Gland – Indigo

Where you perceive and reflect.

Become aware of…” real eyes” your creations.

Your ears and nose are also connected to this Chakra.

Sight – Sound – Smell


6. Base / Root

Adrenal Gland – Red

Which grounds you to this physical/matter reality.


7. Crown

Pineal Gland – Violet

Connects you to the Universe/complete-SELF.

Whole Being/Spirit and then loops/spirals back into the heart Chakra.

Spiraling around again.  Creating a spiraling torsion field.


Also as an alternative, you can start with the heart and then focus on pairs (one above and one below).

1. Heart

2. Solar + Throat

3. Sacral+ Brow

4. Base + Crown

Instead of seven steps, you do it in 4-steps.

Consider the 4-chambers of the heart, 4-aorta’s and the heart is 4th Chakra.

Then the heart also has 7- muscles, which spin/tilt the blood like a spiraling vortex.


Interestingly doing some numbers on the Chakra sequence you find:

4 + 3 = 7
then 5 + 2 = 7
then 6 + 1 = 7
then 7

or with the 4th as the center

then 5 + 3 = 8
then 2 + 6 = 8
then 1 + 7 = 8

Octave of 4= 8 = Infinite Spiral Loop!

Consider heart disease is one of the number one killers.  WHY?  It is not just food/diet, it is the energy dynamics of the heart.  If the heart is not open and tuned/flowing and allowing the energy to spiral through correctly it can cause imbalances in the rest of the body and affect other things.

Some examples of blocked chakras symptoms are if the heart is blocked and you are trying to open and/or close Chakras/Seals that are closed below the heart then “dis-ease” can manifest problems in that region in the body. 

The same goes if above the heart, energy may be trying to flow/spiral/cycle thru and it can’t because the heart is closed/blocked, pressure then builds up and bang!

Also if the energy is not released from the top half or the bottom half, due to the heart seal closed or blocked (not fully open), then those Seals/Chakra’s can burn out or over stress/overwork and start causing physical ailments in those areas as well as pressure on the heart-Chakra and the heart itself.

Simply having an unbalanced or closed heart will cause other Chakras and their respective glands to either overwork/stress and burn out.  This is reflected and can be seen where some overuse/draining of certain areas.

Extreme examples are addictions such as sex or drugs, or you may notice some people talk too much; some people are over emotional; some people have severe eye/sight problems or hearing etc.

Also if you feel inclined you can sit cross-legged and also clasp and hold your hands out in front of your heart area.  Imagine your hands like a flame or ready to catch a ball and remember to breathe in/out like woosh-shhh sound… (note: the lungs are situated in the area of the heart Chakra).

Adding to this information you can focus on the Chakras while meditating with several tools, from crystals that assist each Chakra in particular, to sound frequencies, aromatherapy, intention, etc.

Definitely an interesting method to practice with.  Leave your comments below about your own experiences!



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